From Living Rooms to Courtrooms

Maknouni Family Law Firm, APC Team

Never did you anticipate finding yourself in this situation, facing your once-beloved partner in a cold courtroom, while attorneys debate over your most cherished possessions – your children, your home, your future. How did it come to this after years of building a life together? The disbelief lingers as you recall private conversations now used against you. Yet, you must brace yourself. With the gloves off, you’re in a battle for custody, assets, and the chance to begin anew. Remind yourself, this isn’t the end; it’s just the close of a chapter. Ahead lies a fresh start once you weather the divorce court storm. You’ll emerge stronger, wiser, and ready to reclaim your path. For now, you gear up to fight for what truly matters – your family.


When a relationship ends, it’s challenging to reconcile that someone you once trusted and confided in has now become your legal opponent. The private conversations and trust you once shared may now be weaponized against you, leading to feelings of betrayal and disorientation. Despite the upheaval, it’s crucial to stay composed and attentive. Acting out of anger or vindictiveness may backfire during legal proceedings.


When children are involved, the impact of divorce is even more profound. As parents, your duty is to offer security and consistency, yet now you’re navigating the challenge of dividing holidays, birthdays, and everyday routines. Witnessing your children’s tears at bedtime or observing shifts in their grades and behavior is deeply distressing.


Although the journey ahead might appear daunting and solitary, there are measures you can adopt to rediscover your resilience. Engaging with fellow divorcees can alleviate feelings of solitude. Seeking guidance from a counselor or therapist can offer insights and effective coping mechanisms. Above all, prioritize self-care by dedicating time to hobbies, social interactions, and physical activity, which promote self-assurance and enhance mood.

While divorce marks the conclusion of a marriage, it also signifies the commencement of a new chapter where you emerge fortified and more enlightened. Maintain a positive outlook; your brightest days lie ahead!

Protecting Your Interests

Although it may seem unimaginable now, try to approach legal matters pragmatically. Think of yourself and your family’s best interests. Are there assets you wish to protect? Do you have children whose wellbeing and custody you want to safeguard? Focus on these priorities rather than past grievances. Work closely with your legal counsel to determine the best strategy. Be prepared for uncomfortable conversations and scrutiny of your personal life. While it will not be easy, staying professional and solution-focused will serve you well.

Protecting Yourself and Your Children During Divorce Proceedings

Address Finances and Assets

If you have been employed during the marriage, this will help you maintain a semblance of the marital standard of living to some degree. Having two incomes is clearly advantageous, so adapting to a single-income household is crucial.

If you have been unemployed during your marriage, navigating a divorce could significantly affect your financial stability. It is essential to assess your projected expenses and determine whether you will need to seek part-time or full-time employment, or if spousal support might be adequate to cover your financial needs.

Often, while spousal support can provide substantial assistance, it typically falls short of covering all estimated expenses. The spouse responsible for making support payments must also maintain their own living expenses and housing, which means the support provided may not suffice, particularly for a party with children.

At this juncture, it’s crucial to explore all available options. If unemployment was a part of your life during the entire marriage or a portion of it, you will need to consider how best to enhance your income. This might mean deciding whether to pursue further education or to enroll in short-term licensing programs to boost your earning potential.

Additionally, it is important to assess the assets, debts, investments, and other financial holdings that you and your spouse share. It is essential to thoroughly analyze financial records to ascertain the value of assets such as properties, investments, and savings, and to determine their appropriate distribution. Additionally, clarifying responsibilities for any debts is crucial to prevent future legal complications.

Divorce represents a significant life alteration that can evoke feelings of disbelief, anger, and sadness. Nonetheless, by proactively understanding your legal rights and responsibilities, you can secure the most favorable outcome for both yourself and your children. Safeguarding their welfare, as well as your own financial stability, will provide the necessary support during this challenging period.

Gather Important Documents

During divorce, it is critical to gather all important financial and legal documents to establish your financial situation and parenting rights. Locate tax returns, bank statements, investment accounts, insurance policies, and mortgage documents. For custody, gather medical records, school records, and details on your children’s routines and relationships.

Build Your Legal Team

Hire an experienced divorce attorney to advise and represent you. Their expertise can help achieve a fair settlement and custody arrangement. You may also want to work with a child custody evaluator, especially if custody is contested. They can assess each parent’s situation and determine the best interests of the child.

Set Clear Expectations

Discuss your key objectives and concerns with your legal team. Establish what you believe is a fair division of assets and what type of custody situation would be in the best interests of your children. Be prepared to compromise, as divorce settlements often require negotiation. Clearly communicate your expectations to avoid confusion and dissatisfaction with the outcome.

Choosing the Right Los Angeles Family Law Attorney for Your Case

When going through a divorce or child custody dispute, choosing the right family law attorney is one of the most important decisions you will make. Look for Experience Seek out attorneys with extensive experience in family law and who primarily practice in this area of law. Family law is complex, and an attorney who focuses their practice on these types of cases will be up to date with the latest laws and best able to advise you. They will also be familiar with the local courts and judges.

Investigate Their Reputation

Do some research on attorneys you are interested in to determine their reputation and track record of success. Check online reviews from their past clients to gain insight into their responsiveness, handling of sensitive issues, and ability to achieve favorable outcomes.

Schedule Consultations

Schedule initial consultations with a few of the top candidates to discuss your case in person. Prepare questions in advance about their experience, availability, billing rates, retainer fees, and general approach. Look for someone you feel comfortable with, who answers your questions thoroughly, and whose communication style matches what you are looking for in an attorney. Discuss their strategy for handling your specific issues to determine if it aligns with your priorities and goals.

Ms. Sahar Maknouni offers a complimentary 20-minute consultation to assess compatibility between herself and potential clients. Ms. Maknouni emphasizes that feeling comfortable with your legal representation is crucial when selecting an attorney.

The reality is, you likely never envisioned finding yourself in this situation. You never thought the conversations held in your living room would transform into courtroom evidence. The person with whom you once shared your deepest affections may now be poised to turn your own words against you. While some divorces proceed civilly, custody disputes often become contentious. It can be shocking to see attorneys analyze videos of your private family moments—once intimate memories now turned into legal ammunition. Although divorce formally separates a couple, its repercussions can leave lasting scars on a family. Over time, with distance, your wounds will begin to mend. You will rebuild and find strength anew. For the moment, focus on taking it one day at a time. If that proves too challenging, try taking it hour by hour. If necessary, minute by minute. And if even that feels overwhelming, second by second. Soon enough, this trying period will be a chapter of the past.

Client Reviews

My attorney Sahar did an excellent job in obtaining the results I wanted! Collaborating with this firm through my challenging divorce was truly eye-opening. Being in the military, my top priority was to preserve a meaningful bond with my children amidst the demanding nature of my deployment...

Jon P.

I was impressed by Sahar's strategic approach to my complex divorce case. She was always ahead of the game, anticipating moves and countermoves, ultimately leading to a very satisfactory outcome for me. I highly recommend Sahar to anyone dealing with family law challenges, thanks to her...

Sarah Jennings

Going through a divorce with young children was my biggest nightmare. Attorney Maknouni not only helped me navigate the legal process smoothly but also ensured my children's best interests were at the forefront of every decision. Her sensitivity and professionalism were truly commendable.

Jessica H.

Sahar is a great lawyer, who knows how to handle cases both in and out of court. From our first meeting, I felt assured and understood. She navigated through my divorce proceedings with incredible professionalism and efficiency, ensuring a fair division of assets and custody arrangements that were...

Carlos Rodriguez

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