How California Courts Calculate Spousal Support in Short and Long-Term Marriages

Sahar Maknouni

You are facing a difficult time after deciding to end your marriage. The process of divorce brings many uncertainties, including how spousal support may be determined in your case. While the outcome depends on the details of your situation, you can gain clarity by understanding how California courts approach spousal support. For marriages under 10 years, the court starts with a presumption of support for half the length of the marriage. In longer marriages, the court has more discretion in determining the duration and amount of spousal support.

Several factors influence the court’s decision, including:

  • Your age and health status. Older spouses and those with health issues may receive support for a longer time.
  • Your employment history and income potential. If one spouse gave up a career to care for the home or children, the court will consider that.
  • The standard of living during the marriage. The court aims to allow both spouses to maintain a lifestyle close to what they had while married.
  • The length of the marriage. Typically, the longer the marriage, the longer the support.
  • Child custody arrangements. Spouses with primary custody may receive higher support.

While the process can feel intimidating, understanding these factors and speaking with an attorney can help you enter negotiations with clarity. With a fair and empathetic approach, you and your spouse may reach an outcome that feels just for both sides.



In California, the court will consider 4320 factors when determining both the amount and duration of spousal support. These factors, outlined in Family Code Section 4320, include the marital standard of living, the length of the marriage, each party’s earning capacity, education level, and age. For marriages of long duration (typically 10 years or more), the court will usually order permanent spousal support. For short-term marriages (less than 10 years), the court typically orders spousal support for half the length of the marriage.


The court will evaluate both parties’ income and expenses. This includes income from all sources, such as employment, investments, pensions, and business interests. The court will determine each party’s reasonable monthly expenses. If one party has a much higher income than the other, the court may order higher spousal support to help equalize the parties’ standards of living after divorce.


The court also considers each party’s age, health, education, employment history, and potential earning capacity. If one party sacrificed their career or education for the benefit of the family, the court may order higher spousal support. The court can also consider a party’s future earning capacity in some cases.


In determining spousal support, the court aims to balance the interests of both parties. The goal is to allow both parties to maintain a standard of living as close as possible to the marital standard of living, while also recognizing the desire of the supporting spouse to move on to a new life after divorce. The court has broad discretion but will consider all 4320 factors to reach a fair and just outcome.


Under California Family Code Section 4320, the court will consider several factors to determine the amount and duration of spousal support. For marriages of long duration (generally over 10 years), support is often permanent. For shorter marriages, support is usually limited to half the length of the marriage.


The duration of the marriage is a key factor. The longer the marriage, the more likely the court is to award permanent support. For marriages under 10 years, support typically lasts no longer than 5 years.


The court considers the ages of both parties and their physical and emotional health. If one spouse is unable to work due to age or ill health, the other may have to pay higher support.


The court examines the earning capacity and income of each spouse, as well as their assets and debts. The higher-earning spouse will likely have to pay support. The court aims for a fair division of marital assets.


The court determines whether the higher-earning spouse has the ability to pay support. If a spouse’s income has decreased or expenses have increased, the court may modify or terminate support.


The court considers the reasonable needs of each party, based on the marital standard of living. This includes basic living expenses, health insurance, transportation, and entertainment. Support should allow each spouse to maintain a lifestyle similar to that during marriage.

In summary, the 4320 factors aim to reach a fair determination of spousal support, considering both parties’ circumstances during and after marriage. For the best outcome in your case, consult with an experienced family law attorney.


Spousal support in California may be ordered for a short-term marriage, defined under Family Code Section 4336 as less than 10 years in length. The court considers several factors to determine if support is appropriate and the amount and duration.


The shorter the marriage, the less likely the court is to award spousal support, especially if both parties are self-sufficient. However, if one spouse gave up career opportunities or education during the marriage to care for the home or family, the court may order temporary support to allow that spouse to become self-sufficient.


The court will consider each spouse’s income and earning capacity, as well as the marital standard of living. If there is a large disparity in incomes and the lower-earning spouse cannot become self-sufficient quickly, the court may order temporary support. The higher-earning spouse’s ability to pay is also a factor.


The age and health of both spouses are relevant to the ability to become self-sufficient. The court may order temporary support for an older spouse or one with health issues who gave up the ability to work outside the home during the marriage.

In summary, for short-term marriages the court aims to provide temporary support to allow the lower-earning spouse to become self-sufficient, if needed based on the 4320 factors. The ultimate goal is for both spouses to support themselves financially after the dissolution. However, in some cases ongoing support may be ordered if there are extenuating circumstances. Spousal support in short-term marriages is determined on a case-by-case basis.


For marriages that lasted 10 years or longer, California courts typically award permanent spousal support. The duration of the marriage is one of the most significant factors in determining both the amount and duration of spousal support. Under California Family Code Section 4320, the court will consider the marital standard of living, the supporting spouse’s ability to pay, and the supported spouse’s financial need and ability to be self-supporting.

The marital standard of living refers to the general standard of living enjoyed by both spouses during the marriage. The court aims to provide the supported spouse with enough support to continue living at a standard of living reasonably comparable to that enjoyed during the marriage. The supporting spouse’s ability to pay depends on their income, assets, and earning capacity. The court considers the supporting spouse’s income from all sources to determine how much they can afford to pay.

The supported spouse’s financial need and ability to be self-supporting depend on a number of factors, including:

  • Their education, job skills, age, and health
  • Time out of the workforce to care for children and its impact on their career and earning potential
  • Their income and expenses
  • Their earning capacity if they rejoin the workforce
  • The availability of jobs within their field given their experience and education

For long-term marriages, permanent spousal support typically extends until either spouse passes away or the supported spouse remarries. The court may order spousal support payments to be made indefinitely to provide financial stability and security to the supported spouse after divorce. However, the amount and duration of spousal support can be modified if there are significant changes in circumstances for either spouse, such the income or financial need of the supported spouse.

In summary, for marriages lasting 10 years or longer, California courts consider the 4320 factors to determine a spousal support amount and duration that allows the supported spouse to continue living at a standard of living comparable to that enjoyed during the marriage. Spousal support will typically be ordered as permanent to provide ongoing financial support and security.


An experienced family law attorney can help negotiate a fair spousal support amount and duration. They will review financial documents like tax returns, bank statements, income information and expenses to determine each party’s ability to pay and need for support. Contact Maknouni Family Law Firm, APC for a complimentary consultation.

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My attorney Sahar did an excellent job in obtaining the results I wanted! Collaborating with this firm through my challenging divorce was truly eye-opening. Being in the military, my top priority was to preserve a meaningful bond with my children amidst the demanding nature of my deployment...

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I was impressed by Sahar's strategic approach to my complex divorce case. She was always ahead of the game, anticipating moves and countermoves, ultimately leading to a very satisfactory outcome for me. I highly recommend Sahar to anyone dealing with family law challenges, thanks to her...

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Going through a divorce with young children was my biggest nightmare. Attorney Maknouni not only helped me navigate the legal process smoothly but also ensured my children's best interests were at the forefront of every decision. Her sensitivity and professionalism were truly commendable.

Jessica H.

Sahar is a great lawyer, who knows how to handle cases both in and out of court. From our first meeting, I felt assured and understood. She navigated through my divorce proceedings with incredible professionalism and efficiency, ensuring a fair division of assets and custody arrangements that were...

Carlos Rodriguez

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