Registered Domestic Partners in California

Sahar Maknouni

Domestic partnerships in California serve as a significant legal alternative to marriage, providing many of the same benefits and protections to couples. While they afford similar rights and advantages as marriage at the state level, domestic partnerships do not receive recognition at the federal level.

What Are Registered Domestic Partnerships?

A registered domestic partnership is a legally recognized union between two individuals who cohabit and share a domestic life without being married. In California, domestic partnerships are available to both same-sex and opposite-sex couples. The state established domestic partnerships in 1999, initially to grant legal recognition and rights to same-sex couples who could not marry at that time. Registered Domestic Partnerships (RDPs) confer essential benefits and protections under state law, including hospital visitation rights, the authority to make medical decisions for an incapacitated partner, parenting rights, and access to insurance benefits.

Establishing and Dissolving a Domestic Partnership in California

Establishing a Domestic Partnership

To establish a Registered Domestic Partnership (RDP) in California, partners must meet specific eligibility criteria. These include being at least 18 years old, not being married or in another domestic partnership, and not being related by blood in a way that would prevent marriage in the state. Eligible partners must file a Declaration of Domestic Partnership with the California Secretary of State and pay a filing fee of $10. An RDP grants essential legal protections to committed couples under California law, such as hospital visitation rights, medical decision-making authority, and inheritance rights. However, it is important to note that RDPs do not confer any federal benefits or protections. Only marriage provides comprehensive legal rights and recognition at both the state and federal levels.

Dissolving a Domestic Partnership

Dissolving an RDP in California involves a termination process similar to divorce. Partners must file a Notice of Termination of Domestic Partnership and wait a mandatory period of at least six months before the termination can be finalized. During this process, partners must address and resolve issues such as property division, child custody, and financial support. Once the termination is finalized, the legal rights and responsibilities of the domestic partners under California law are ended. This process ensures that both partners’ rights are fairly considered and that their responsibilities are appropriately concluded.

Similarities and Differences Between Registered Domestic Partnerships and Marriages

Domestic partnerships and marriages in California share several similarities, providing couples with legal recognition and various rights. Both relationships grant partners the ability to make medical decisions for each other and visit each other in the hospital. They also have access to family health insurance plans, allowing them to share employment-related benefits. Additionally, both domestic partners and married couples can inherit their partner’s property without a will, offering financial security in the event of a partner’s death. Moreover, partners in both types of relationships are entitled to bereavement leave, giving them time to grieve and manage personal affairs.

Despite these similarities, there are significant differences between domestic partnerships and marriages, primarily in terms of legal recognition and rights. One of the most notable differences is federal recognition. Marriages are recognized nationwide and come with federal benefits, such as Social Security spousal benefits and federal tax advantages. In contrast, domestic partnerships are only recognized at the state level, which means that domestic partners do not receive these federal benefits. The dissolution process also differs, with ending a domestic partnership generally being less complex and less expensive than a divorce, even though both require legal action. Furthermore, the terminology used in legal documents and everyday life differs, with married couples being referred to as “spouses” or “husband and wife,” while domestic partners are often called “partners.” These distinctions highlight the practical and symbolic differences between domestic partnerships and marriages, emphasizing the importance of understanding both options before making a decision.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Registered Domestic Partnerships

Domestic partnerships in California offer several advantages, making them an attractive option for many couples. One of the primary benefits is the legal protections and rights they provide, similar to those enjoyed by married couples. Domestic partners have the right to visit each other in the hospital, make medical decisions on behalf of their partner, and access family health insurance plans. They also inherit their partner’s property without a will and are entitled to bereavement leave. Another advantage is the flexibility and simplicity of domestic partnerships. For couples who do not wish to marry due to personal beliefs, financial reasons, or past experiences, domestic partnerships offer a viable alternative to gain legal recognition and benefits. Additionally, the process to dissolve a domestic partnership is generally less complex and expensive than divorce, providing a simpler way to end the relationship if necessary.

However, there are notable disadvantages to domestic partnerships, primarily due to the lack of federal recognition. This limitation affects several aspects of life, including tax liabilities, as domestic partners cannot file federal taxes jointly and may face higher tax obligations. They are also ineligible for Social Security spousal benefits and federal immigration benefits, such as spousal visas, which are only available to married couples. Furthermore, legal recognition of domestic partnerships varies by state, creating potential complications if partners move or travel. Some employers may not offer the same benefits to domestic partners as they do to married couples, despite state laws. These disadvantages highlight the importance of understanding the limitations of domestic partnerships compared to marriages, particularly in terms of federal benefits and legal consistency across different states.

Dividing Property and Assets as Domestic Partners

Community Property

In California, all property acquired during a domestic partnership is considered community property, meaning it belongs equally to both partners. This includes income earned, homes purchased, vehicles acquired, and other assets obtained during the partnership. When ending a domestic partnership, community property must be divided evenly between the partners.

Separate Property

Property owned before entering into a domestic partnership or received as a gift or inheritance during the relationship, is considered separate property and belongs solely to the receiving partner. Separate property is not subject to division upon the dissolution of a domestic partnership. However, if the value of separate property has increased during the partnership due to community contributions, that increased value may be considered community property and thus subject to division.

Division of Assets

The actual division of assets depends on the type of property in question. For significant assets, such as a shared home, one partner may buy out the other partner’s share to retain full ownership. For smaller assets, partners may decide to sell the items and split the proceeds. Retirement accounts, insurance policies, and investment accounts must be divided by court order to properly transfer ownership and beneficiaries.

Negotiating a Settlement

Ideally, domestic partners will negotiate a settlement agreement to divide their community property and assets. If an agreement cannot be reached, the court will determine a “just and reasonable” division. The court considers factors such as the length of the relationship, each partner’s financial situation and needs, and the extent to which each partner contributed to acquiring the property. Seeking legal counsel is advisable to understand your rights and secure a favorable settlement.

The Future of Domestic Partnerships in California

The future of domestic partnerships in California appears to be one of continued evolution and adaptation, reflecting broader societal changes and legal advancements. The landmark 2015 Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, which legalized same-sex marriage nationwide, significantly impacted the landscape of domestic partnerships. This ruling provided same-sex couples with the option to marry, but domestic partnerships remain a valuable choice for many, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.

Legislative Changes and Advocacy

California continues to refine and expand the legal framework surrounding domestic partnerships. Recent legislative efforts have aimed to enhance the rights and benefits available to domestic partners, striving for greater parity with marriage. Advocacy groups are actively working to address discrepancies, such as the lack of federal recognition, which affects tax benefits, Social Security, and immigration rights. These efforts include lobbying for changes at both state and federal levels to ensure that domestic partners receive equitable treatment.

Increasing Awareness and Accessibility

Public awareness of domestic partnerships is crucial for their continued relevance. Many individuals are still unaware of this option or misunderstand its benefits and limitations. Comprehensive public education campaigns can help couples make informed decisions about their relationships. Additionally, simplifying the process of registering a domestic partnership and ensuring easy access to information and resources can encourage more couples to consider this option.

The Role of Employers and Institutions

As societal norms evolve, more employers and institutions are recognizing the importance of supporting diverse family structures. Increasingly, employers are extending benefits traditionally reserved for married couples to domestic partners, including health insurance, parental leave, and bereavement leave. Educational institutions and healthcare providers are also adapting their policies to accommodate domestic partners, ensuring that they receive the same respect and recognition as married couples.

The future of domestic partnerships in California is shaped by ongoing legal, social, and cultural developments. While the option to marry is now available to all couples, domestic partnerships remain an essential alternative, offering flexibility and choice. Continued advocacy, legislative efforts, and public awareness are key to ensuring that domestic partners receive the recognition and benefits they deserve. As society progresses, domestic partnerships will likely continue to evolve, providing a robust framework for diverse and inclusive family structures.

If you are interested in terminating your registered domestic partnerships, do not hesitate to contact Maknouni Family Law Firm, APC to schedule your consultation.

Client Reviews

My attorney Sahar did an excellent job in obtaining the results I wanted! Collaborating with this firm through my challenging divorce was truly eye-opening. Being in the military, my top priority was to preserve a meaningful bond with my children amidst the demanding nature of my deployment...

Jon P.

I was impressed by Sahar's strategic approach to my complex divorce case. She was always ahead of the game, anticipating moves and countermoves, ultimately leading to a very satisfactory outcome for me. I highly recommend Sahar to anyone dealing with family law challenges, thanks to her...

Sarah Jennings

Going through a divorce with young children was my biggest nightmare. Attorney Maknouni not only helped me navigate the legal process smoothly but also ensured my children's best interests were at the forefront of every decision. Her sensitivity and professionalism were truly commendable.

Jessica H.

Sahar is a great lawyer, who knows how to handle cases both in and out of court. From our first meeting, I felt assured and understood. She navigated through my divorce proceedings with incredible professionalism and efficiency, ensuring a fair division of assets and custody arrangements that were...

Carlos Rodriguez

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